Sunday, October 25, 2020

Profile setting in Tsumino

Profile setting can really be helpful to those who do not wish to view Tags having certain harmful or Mind Displeasing Actions.
Well, I assume, everyone has some glimpse of Tsumino Profile Page or even profile setting, but the most important setting that I consider in Tsumino is "Manage tags" setting.
So, Lets discuss this one, as some may have seen but never tried this setting once.
For starters, when you click on the "Manage tags" under Profile, below image would be first visible page.
Manage tags
If you are thinking this all looks similar to "Advanced Search" then you are correct, it is similar.

There are basically 3 things which you are seeing in Tag Preference

Loved Tags:
The Tags which you like will be highlighted as below image.
Check Top-Right Love Symbol
To add tags, it is similar to advance search, select the category from the drop-down and start adding the tags.
Adding "anal" in Love Tags

Hated Tags:
The tags which you hate or you may get mentally heart will be highlighted as below image.
"Hate" Mark at the Top Right of Hentai manga
To add tags, it is similar to advance search, select the category from the drop-down and start adding the tags.
After adding "game cg" to Hated Tags
Note: Click on save setting once you have added the tags, also for deleting the tags, either use backspace or click on the Tags itself

Hate List == Black list
When you select "Yes" in this option, it will mark all loved Hentai manga which contains hated tags as "Hate"
Well, Its hard to understand, lets consider the above tags, The hentai manga which contains "anal" will be marked as "Love" whereas the hentai mangas which contains "scat" will be marked as "hate"
What about the Hentai mangas which contains both tags?, here, is where this setting comes into play.
If you select "yes" then all the manga which contains "anal" and "scat"(both tags) will be marked as "hate".
Hate List==Black List is selected as "Yes"

If you select "No" then the manga which contains "anal" and "scat" (both tags) will be marked as "love". 
Hate List==Black List is selected as "No"

There are Few More things which you should know -->

Mouse Hover over any manga(happen only when you have login to profile)
One may have seen when you hover any mouse to any manga the color of "view info" changes to blue, green or yellow. But what does that exactly mean.
Highlights during Mouse Hover

Blue --> refers to the Hentai manga which you have not read in Tsumino.
Yellow --> refers to the Hentai manga which you have left reading in middle.
Green --> refers to the Hentai manga which has been read by you.

Note: Until and unless you open the Hentai manga in Tsumino image viewer, it won't change the color.
Image Viewer of Tsumino
You can find Completed  and in progress hentai mangas in Profile setting.
Profile --> My stuff

This Ends Profile setting guide in Tsumino



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