Friday, October 30, 2020

Default or Normal Searching on

Before we start searching anything on any site its better to know "How the site search Works?"
It Doesn't do anything much but you will get rough idea which input will get you near to the Desired Hentai Manga.
So, Lets search few words on Tsumino and try to understand on what basis it shows Results.
Lets consider Few words --> "Anata", "Mesu" --> Lets split into subwords --> "Ana", "Anat", "Anata", "Mes", "Mesu".

Searching "Ana" in Tsumino:-

Result for "ana"
In the above search, we can see that the keyword "ana" is present in every Hentai manga name.

Searching "anat" in Tsumino:-

Result for "anat"
There is no result for "anat".

Searching "anata" in Tsumino:-

Result for "anata"

In the above search, we can see that the keyword "anata" is present in every Hentai manga name.
Now lets try searching for "Mes" and "Mesu" together.

Searching "Mes" and "Mesu" together:-

Result for "Mes" and "mesu"
While searching for "mes", the search showed 0 result whereas there were results for "mesu" word.

After all this stupid stuff, you may be thinking Like↓

Answer to "Default search in Tsumino"

  • After testing many words, we came to the conclusion that, In Tsumino, it searches for words present in Hentai manga rather than showing results for substrings. Considering above examples, there were results for "ana","anata","mesu" as they are words present in the Hentai Manga but that was not the case for "Mes" and "anat" even though they are substring of "anata" and "mesu.
  • Secondly, if anyone searches more that one word in search than the result of the search will be Hentai manga's containing both the words(it will not display result for substring of words)

Note: Special symbols( dot, question mark, foward slash, backward slash, etc)  does not help in Searching Hentai Manga in Tsumino rather it will hinder search performance in some cases.
For Example: If you try to search "ana." or ".ana" it will display result for "ana" but that will not be the case for "ana.ta"(it will not display results for "anata").

This Ends the "how Default search & Normal Search works in Tsumino?"


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