Friday, October 30, 2020

Default or Normal Searching on

Before we start searching anything on any site its better to know "How the site search Works?"
It Doesn't do anything much but you will get rough idea which input will get you near to the Desired Hentai Manga.
So, Lets search few words on Tsumino and try to understand on what basis it shows Results.
Lets consider Few words --> "Anata", "Mesu" --> Lets split into subwords --> "Ana", "Anat", "Anata", "Mes", "Mesu".

Searching "Ana" in Tsumino:-

Result for "ana"
In the above search, we can see that the keyword "ana" is present in every Hentai manga name.

Searching "anat" in Tsumino:-

Result for "anat"
There is no result for "anat".

Searching "anata" in Tsumino:-

Result for "anata"

In the above search, we can see that the keyword "anata" is present in every Hentai manga name.
Now lets try searching for "Mes" and "Mesu" together.

Searching "Mes" and "Mesu" together:-

Result for "Mes" and "mesu"
While searching for "mes", the search showed 0 result whereas there were results for "mesu" word.

After all this stupid stuff, you may be thinking Like↓

Answer to "Default search in Tsumino"

  • After testing many words, we came to the conclusion that, In Tsumino, it searches for words present in Hentai manga rather than showing results for substrings. Considering above examples, there were results for "ana","anata","mesu" as they are words present in the Hentai Manga but that was not the case for "Mes" and "anat" even though they are substring of "anata" and "mesu.
  • Secondly, if anyone searches more that one word in search than the result of the search will be Hentai manga's containing both the words(it will not display result for substring of words)

Note: Special symbols( dot, question mark, foward slash, backward slash, etc)  does not help in Searching Hentai Manga in Tsumino rather it will hinder search performance in some cases.
For Example: If you try to search "ana." or ".ana" it will display result for "ana" but that will not be the case for "ana.ta"(it will not display results for "anata").

This Ends the "how Default search & Normal Search works in Tsumino?"

Thursday, October 29, 2020

Single Tag search in

Single tag search refers to only searching a particular Tags.It is just like other sites but only with minor Difference.
There are two ways to do a single tag search in Tsumino:

First Way(via Tags section in Menubar):-

Tags --> search through the tags/Category/Collection/group/parody/Artist/character-->Click on Go button near the Respected Tag.

A sample for "big ass" Tag search
So, this is one of Searching Single tag in Tsumino.

Second Way:
Just type the Tagname in the search bar and then BOOM, you well get the Desired Results.

Searching Two Words Single Tag Like "Big ass".
Use underscore("_") instead of space between two words i.e. "Big_ass"

Note: The First and second way of searching gives same results for Hentai Mangas.

This Ends the Single tag search guide of Tsumino



Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Multiple Tag Search in

Multiple tag search in Tsumino is as simple as that was in nhentai. There is one thing that I personally dislike in Tsumino.
Tags are not Differentiated into Male and Female i.e. "anal" can be for both Male as well as female.
Enough with the Chit-Chat...

Of course from my end...LOL
Lets Continue with the Main Topic
In-order to search Multiple tags, One just needs continuously write the desired tags in Search Bar with space between every Tags.
Well, I also Don't know what I said, Lets understand via example

For Example --> I want to search "anal", "big ass" and "big breasts".
Solution --> I will write the following text in the search bar of Tsumino "anal big_ass Huge_breast"
Result for "anal big_ass Huge_breast"
So, anyone can try searching as many tags as they want.

This Ends Multiple tag search guide of Tsumino



Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Searching Category/Collection/Group/Artist/Parody in

Searching Category/Collection/Group/Artist/Parody in Tsumino is as simple as searching Tags.
Well, you don't have to write any syntax or keywords for searching, just go with the flow just like you searching Tags.
But Remember, Names(spellings) should be 100% correct.

Lets consider an example:

category --> doujinshi 
Artist --> Kawaisaw
Group --> Puppukupu
parody --> original
Result of above example
Spelling Mistake of original

This Ends Searching Category/Collection/Group/Artist/Parody in Tsumino


Monday, October 26, 2020

Exclude tags in

As there is no use of Special Symbols in Tsumino, You may be thinking "how would exclude tags Tags in Tsumino?"

Well, there is a Way to exclude tags i.e. via Advanced Search.

Advanced Search option

Steps to exclude a Tag via Advanced Search:
Step 1: Go to Advance Search, you will see the following screen.
First view of Advanced Search
Step 2:
Lets consider an example of tags which we want to exclude
Exclude Tags --> scat, moral degradation
Exclude category --> game cg
Include tags --> Anal, Big ass, Huge Breasts.

To Exclude tags, you will first need to tick mark the exclude check box button shown below
Tick the Exclude Check Box

Step 3: Click on the Drop down button above the Tick-marked Exclude check box button --> select the desired choice(I want to exclude scat tag so I will tag).
Selecting the type before excluding the tag

Step 4: Type "Scat" in the text box and select "scat" from the appeared drop down list.
Excluding Scat Tag

Similarly, add "moral Degradation" and "game cg".

Change tag --> category via Drop down to exclude Game cg

Step 5: To add "anal","big ass","huge breasts", untick the exclude and follow the same procedure for adding tags.
When all the tags are added

Step 6: Close the window and you will see the Results.

Note: If you want few tags that needs to be permanently omitted rather than doing excluding tags again and again via advanced search, check the Profile Setting Post. 

This Ends "how to exclude tags in Tsumino"


Sunday, October 25, 2020

Profile setting in Tsumino

Profile setting can really be helpful to those who do not wish to view Tags having certain harmful or Mind Displeasing Actions.
Well, I assume, everyone has some glimpse of Tsumino Profile Page or even profile setting, but the most important setting that I consider in Tsumino is "Manage tags" setting.
So, Lets discuss this one, as some may have seen but never tried this setting once.
For starters, when you click on the "Manage tags" under Profile, below image would be first visible page.
Manage tags
If you are thinking this all looks similar to "Advanced Search" then you are correct, it is similar.

There are basically 3 things which you are seeing in Tag Preference

Loved Tags:
The Tags which you like will be highlighted as below image.
Check Top-Right Love Symbol
To add tags, it is similar to advance search, select the category from the drop-down and start adding the tags.
Adding "anal" in Love Tags

Hated Tags:
The tags which you hate or you may get mentally heart will be highlighted as below image.
"Hate" Mark at the Top Right of Hentai manga
To add tags, it is similar to advance search, select the category from the drop-down and start adding the tags.
After adding "game cg" to Hated Tags
Note: Click on save setting once you have added the tags, also for deleting the tags, either use backspace or click on the Tags itself

Hate List == Black list
When you select "Yes" in this option, it will mark all loved Hentai manga which contains hated tags as "Hate"
Well, Its hard to understand, lets consider the above tags, The hentai manga which contains "anal" will be marked as "Love" whereas the hentai mangas which contains "scat" will be marked as "hate"
What about the Hentai mangas which contains both tags?, here, is where this setting comes into play.
If you select "yes" then all the manga which contains "anal" and "scat"(both tags) will be marked as "hate".
Hate List==Black List is selected as "Yes"

If you select "No" then the manga which contains "anal" and "scat" (both tags) will be marked as "love". 
Hate List==Black List is selected as "No"

There are Few More things which you should know -->

Mouse Hover over any manga(happen only when you have login to profile)
One may have seen when you hover any mouse to any manga the color of "view info" changes to blue, green or yellow. But what does that exactly mean.
Highlights during Mouse Hover

Blue --> refers to the Hentai manga which you have not read in Tsumino.
Yellow --> refers to the Hentai manga which you have left reading in middle.
Green --> refers to the Hentai manga which has been read by you.

Note: Until and unless you open the Hentai manga in Tsumino image viewer, it won't change the color.
Image Viewer of Tsumino
You can find Completed  and in progress hentai mangas in Profile setting.
Profile --> My stuff

This Ends Profile setting guide in Tsumino


Saturday, October 24, 2020

Efficiently search and Exclude tags in Tsumino

Everyone has their own way of searching and excluding tags.You will not change if someone suggest a new will be like↓

Well, that goes same for me as well, if someone is suggesting me to change my methods of searching.

But, here is way that i feel that is most Efficient while searching hentai manga in Tsumino

Consider, you want to know which manga contains "scat" before actually opening the hentai manga.(I am only taking one tag but there can be list of tags).You will definitely not write 100's of tags in Advanced search every time you open Tsumino. This can be done via profile setting (manage tags option).

Managed Tags overview in profile
An advance "hate" alert
So, this solves the part where, you don't want to read manga permanently.

Note: there is also a "Loved tags" section in Tsumino which highlights Hentai manga same as "hated".

Now for rest of the part, for excluding tags use "Advanced search" and for including tags use Search test box.
Exclude Tags --> Advanced Search, Include Tags --> Search Bar 
So, this is how, one can efficiently search, filter and get notified opening a dangerous manga in Tsumino. 

This Ends "How to Efficiently search in Tsumino"